Of course, they carry them with vibranium shield throws and energy beams, like men do. and we get to see Captain America and Tony Stark having ideological arguments that divide the team. Thanks to Scarlet Witch we see bits of our heros' histories, we get to know Hawkeye a little better and understand his role in a team of superpowered individuals, he see the romantic side of Black Widow and the Hulk. What I thought was better than I was expecting from an Avengers movie were the underlying character stories. I mean, if they want to ban Tin-tin cartoons for racist depictions of African people, they should stop at one moment or another inventing countries with Slavic names and filling them with helpless women and children with names just as ridiculous and toy soldier police and army forces. The villain is pretty menacing, the interaction between the Avengers goes well beyond killing enemies in each other's blind spot and the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver addition was interesting, though kind of condescending. Keep in mind that it is a comic book film with superheros that dress funny, though. Besides making fun of War Machine - again - and completely ignoring characters like Pepper Potts and Falcon, there was nothing that bothered me tremendously about this film. So everybody must be asking now: "Is it worth watching more than two hours of this just to get to the obligatory Thanos end credits scene?" and the answer is.